Our survey was completed by 159 community members.

Legacy Park survey results infographic.

Of those 159 responses,
35% told us they use the playground after school
25% use the playground on weekends
10% use the playground in the afternoon
10% use the playground during school hours
5% use the playground any time.

Of the responders,
85.7% have a child using the space that is 5 to 11 years old
48.6% have a child using the space that is older than 11 years old
40.7% have a child using the space that is less than 5 years old

The top 4 priorities of responders are:
69.4% want a variety of play structures
58.6% want safety
39.5% want long-term maintenance
36.3% want sustainability

The top 4 zones of play that responders want are:
Traditional play structures
Imaginative play areas
Open play areas
Shaded areas
Sport spaces